Mentzelia laevicaulis (Dougl. ex Hook.) Torr. & Gray (Loasaceae; common names are giant blazing star and smoothstem blazing star) is widely distributed throughout western North America in sites ranging from lowland deserts to mountainous areas in Canada and the United States. During a plant disease survey in June 2007 in the Owyhee Mountains, Canyon County, Idaho, leaves of M. laevicaulis displaying whitish, mycelial growth were collected from plants growing on stream banks and gravelly road embankments. Diseased leaves exhibited localized, chlorotic discolorations associated with signs of a powdery mildew. Of approximately 20 plants at the site, 50% were infected. White mycelia and conidia were more abundant on the adaxial leaf surfaces than on the abaxial surfaces. Severely diseased leaves were buckled and slightly twisted. By August and through September, sporulation was greatest on mature plants, and lowermost leaves were completely covered with flocculose, dense, white mycelia. Dimorphic conidia were lanceolate or cylindrical and measured (44-) 46 to 67 (-71) × (14-) 14.5 to 20 (-21) μm. DNA was extracted and PCR was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as described previously (2), except that primers ITS 5 and P3 (4) were used. The resulting 633-bp sequence (GenBank Accession No. GQ860947) included a 616-bp region identical to a sequence reported previously for Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Arnaud from eastern Washington (GenBank No. AY912077), as well as ITS regions from L. taurica previously reported from Iran (GenBank No. AB048350) (2) and Australia (GenBank No. AF 073351) (2). Based on the ITS sequence, the present fungus grouped within Khodaparast et al. (3) Clade 1 that included L. taurica strains they distinguished from other, superficially similar species of Leveillula. On the basis of morphological and sequence data, the fungus was determined to be L. taurica (1,3). A voucher specimen was deposited in the Mycology Herbarium (WSP) at Washington State University. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a named powdery mildew species from a member of the Loasaceae. The only previous report of a powdery mildew on a loasaceous host was an undetermined Oidium sp. on a species of Mentzelia (1). The discovery of L. taurica on a previously unknown native host species is further evidence that this introduced pathogen is becoming endemic to the Pacific Northwest. Native host species, such as M. laevicaulis, may play a role in the epidemiology of powdery mildew diseases caused by L. taurica on crop and ornamental species in the Pacific Northwest. References: (1) U. Braun. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 89:1, 1987. (2) D. A. Glawe et al. Mycol. Prog. 4:291, 2005. (3) S. A. Khodaparast et al. Mycol. Res. 105:909, 2001. (4) S. Takamatsu and Y. Kano. Mycoscience 42:135, 2001.