Over the last 20 years, recombinant human growth hormone (somatropin) has been the cornerstone of managing children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Although both international and national guidelines for growth hormone (GH) therapy exist, there is currently no consensus on the optimal use of GH therapy in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The goals of GH therapy are to normalize height during childhood, attain normal adult height and correct metabolic abnormalities related to GHD. However, extended use of GH >50 µg/kg/day may increase frequency of adverse events. Here, we report the proceedings from a meeting of nine GCC pediatric endocrinology experts, which took place in Beirut in November 2011. The meeting was also attended by three European counterparts and aimed to provide consensus on best practice in the management of children with GHD in the GCC based on current local medical and regulatory environments.
Keywords: adherence; diagnosis; growth hormone deficiency; response; therapy.