Breast tumor segmentation plays a crucial role in subsequent disease diagnosis, and most algorithms need interactive prior to firstly locate tumors and perform segmentation based on tumor-centric candidates. In this paper, we propose a fully convolutional network to achieve automatic segmentation of breast tumor in an end-to-end manner. Considering the diversity of shape and size for malignant tumors in the digital mammograms, we introduce multiscale image information into the fully convolutional dense network architecture to improve the segmentation precision. Multiple sampling rates of atrous convolution are concatenated to acquire different field-of-views of image features without adding additional number of parameters to avoid over fitting. Weighted loss function is also employed during training according to the proportion of the tumor pixels in the entire image, in order to weaken unbalanced classes problem. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve automatic tumor segmentation and has high segmentation precision for various size and shapes of tumor images without preprocessing and postprocessing.