Introduction of Asian Soybean Rust Urediniospores into the Midwestern United States-A Case Study

Plant Dis. 2006 Sep;90(9):1254-1259. doi: 10.1094/PD-90-1254.


In 2005, weekly rain samples collected at 124 National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) sites in the eastern and central United States were screened for Asian soybean rust (ASR; Phakopsora pachyrhizi) urediniospores. Application of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction method detected P. pachyrhizi DNA in the filter residue of rain samples collected during the week of 19 to 26 July 2005 in Minnesota, Missouri, and South Dakota. To determine the geographic origin of ASR urediniospores in those weekly composite samples, back air trajectories of the lifted condensation and mixed boundary layers were calculated for each rain event within the week, by sampling site. The calculations, based on the hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory model, pointed to source areas in eastern and southern Texas. In a separate case, DNA of P. pachyrhizi was detected in a 28 June to 5 July 2005 rain sample from an eastern Texas site. Back trajectories pointed to southern Texas and the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico as potential source areas of ASR urediniospores. Vertical motions of those back trajectories indicated a ventilation of the boundary layer in the upwind areas, suggesting the possible injection of urediniospores into the free troposphere where they can be transported for long distances before wet deposition.

Keywords: spore transport.