An unidentified species of Phytophthora was isolated from irrigation water at a production nursery in Suffolk, VA in 2000 and 2001. Water samples were assayed using a filtration method (3). A similar species was recovered from soil samples collected in two mixed-hardwood forests in Fairfax County in 2002. Soil samples were air dried, remoistened, flooded, and then baited with rhododendron and camellia leaf pieces at room temperature (22 to 24°C) (2). A Phytophthora sp. was recovered from bait pieces cultured on PARPH-V8 selective medium (2). This same species also was isolated from symptomatic leaves of Pieris japonica cv. Temple Bells and Rhododendron catawbiense cv. Maximum Roseum at a garden center in Virginia Beach in 2004. On P. japonica, symptoms appeared as water-soaked, necrotic lesions and marginal necrosis on leaves and necrosis of shoot tips; on R. catawbiense, symptoms were wilting, dieback, and death of shoots. Representative isolates produced semipapillate to papillate sporangia with tapered bases that were caducous and had long pedicels (16 to 120 μm). Sporangia on four isolates were measured: mean lengths were 40.6 to 48.4 μm, mean widths were 26.9 to 31.4 μm, and length/width ratios consistently were 1.5. Sporangia occasionally were distorted and had dual apices, and they often contained a large globule after zoospore release. Chlamydospores ranged from 25 to 32 μm in diameter. All isolates were heterothallic; four isolates paired with known isolates of P. nicotianae were found to be mating type A1. Optimum temperature for mycelium growth on cornmeal agar was 25°C with slight growth at 35°C by some isolates and no growth at 4°C. These morphological characteristics were mostly consistent with those of P. tropicalis (1). P. tropicalis is reported to have sporangia that are papillate, have lengths of 40 to 55 μm, widths of 19 to 27 μm, and length/width ratios of 1.8 to 2.4 (1). The identity of these isolates as P. tropicalis was confirmed using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis with comparison to a reference isolate (4). These isolates have been retained in permanent collections in the Hong and Jeffers labs. One isolate from each host plant and one isolate from irrigation water were tested for pathogenicity; agar blocks of mycelium (4 × 4 mm) were placed on wounded and nonwounded leaves of P. japonica cv. Mountain Fire and R. catawbiense cv. Olga plants and wrapped with Parafilm to prevent desiccation. Lesions formed on wounded and nonwounded leaves after 4 days at 20 to 30°C, and P. tropicalis was reisolated; no lesions formed on noninoculated control leaves. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. tropicalis in the continental United States, in irrigation water systems, and as a cause of Phytophthora foliage blight on P. japonica and R. catawbiense (1). This study suggests that the host range of this pathogen is not limited to tropical plants. Although this pathogen did not cause significant economic loss in the garden center surveyed, it was isolated in irrigation water at the production nursery from late spring through fall. An investigation of its impact on nursery crops is warranted. References: (1) M. Aragaki and J. Y. Uchida. Mycologia 93:137, 2001. (2) A. J. Ferguson and S. N. Jeffers. Plant Dis. 83:1129, 1999. (3) C. X. Hong et al. Phytopathology 92:610, 2002. (4) P. Kong et al. Fungal Genet. Biol. 39:238, 2003.