Chemiluminescence, a process of transduction of energy stored within chemical bonds of ground-state reactants into light via high-energy excited intermediates, is known in solution, but has remained undetected in macroscopic crystalline solids. By detecting thermally induced chemiluminescence from centimeter-size crystals of an organic peroxide here we demonstrate direct transduction of heat into light by thermochemiluminescence of bulk crystals. Heating of crystals of lophine hydroperoxide to ~115 °C results in detectable emission of blue-green light with maximum at 530 nm with low chemiluminescent quantum yield [(2.1 ± 0.1) × 10‒7 E mol‒1]. Spectral comparison of the thermochemiluminescence in the solid state and in solution revealed that the solid-state thermochemiluminescence of lophine peroxide is due to emission from deprotonated lophine. With selected 1,2-dioxetane, endoperoxide and aroyl peroxide we also establish that the thermochemiluminescence is common for crystalline peroxides, with the color of the emitted light varying from blue to green to red.