Discovery of red-shifted chlorophyll d and f in cyanobacteria has opened up new avenues to estimate global carbon fixation driven by far-red light. Shaded habitats in humid subtropical forest ecosystems contain an increased proportion of far-red light components relative to residual white light. After an extensive survey of shaded ecosystems within subtropical forests, wide occurrence of red-shifted chlorophyll-producing cyanobacteria was demonstrated by isolated Chl f-producing and Chl d-containing cyanobacteria. Chl f-producing cyanobacteria were classified into the genera of Aphanocapsa and Chroococcidiopsis and two undescribed genera within Leptolyngbyaceae. Newly isolated Chl d-containing Acaryochloris sp. CCNUM4 showed the closest phylogenetic relationship with Acaryochloris species isolated from marine environments. Acaryochloris sp. CCNUM4 produced Chl d as major photopigment, and Chl f-producing cyanobacteria use Chl a under white light conditions but Chl a + f under far-red light conditions. Their habitats are widely distributed in subtropical forest ecosystems and varied from mosses on limestone to macrophyte and freshwater in the streams and ponds. This study presents a significant advance in the knowledge of distribution and diversity of red-shifted chlorophyll-producing cyanobacteria in terrestrial ecosystems. The results suggest that Chl f-producing and Chl d-containing cyanobacteria might be important primary producers in far-red light dominant niches worldwide.
© 2019 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.