Gold standard tests are usually used for diagnosis of a disease, but the gold standard tests may not be always available or cannot be administrated due to many reasons such as cost, availability, ethical issues etc. In such cases, some instruments or screening tools can be used to diagnose the disease. However, before the screening tools can be applied, it is crucial to evaluate the accuracy of these screening tools compared to the gold standard tests. In this assay, we will discuss how to assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test through an example using R program.
概述:金标准测试通常用于诊断一种疾病,但金标准测试可能由于成本、可行性、伦理问题等多个原因而无法实施。在这种情况下,一些仪器或筛选工具可用于诊断疾病。然而,在采用筛选工具之前,与金标准测试对比并评估这些筛选工具的准确性是至关重要的。在本文中,我们将通过R 程序运行的案例来讨论如何评估诊断性测试的准确性。.
Keywords: AUC; ROC analysis; ROC curve; gold standard test; sensitivity; specificity.