Measuring and monitoring cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is important in the management of patients with certain neurological conditions. To accurately reflect blood pressure at the circle of Willis, the arterial line transducer should be leveled at the tragus. This study measured the relative distance of the transducer to the tragus in 100 intensive care unit (ICU) patients in the mixed ICU at our institution, of which 44 patients had a pressure-sensitive neurological diagnosis. For neurological patients, the average distance was 10.9 cm and for non-neurological patients, the average distance was 11.4 cm (p-value: 0.60). This suggests that the arterial line transducer was leveled at approximately the same level regardless of pathology, potentially leading to falsely elevated CPP readings in patients with pressure-sensitive neurological pathology.
Keywords: arterial line; cerebral perfusion; intensive care.