The International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standard for full-field electroretinography (ERG) describes a minimum protocol for clinical testing but encourages more extensive testing where appropriate. This ISCEV extended protocol describes an extension of the ISCEV full-field ERG standard, in which methods to record and evaluate the growth of the dark-adapted (DA) ERG b-wave with increasing stimulus energy are described. The flashes span a range that includes the weakest flash required to generate a reliable DA ERG b-wave and that required to generate a maximal b-wave amplitude. The DA ERG b-wave stimulus-response series (also known historically as the "intensity-response" or "luminance-response" series) can more comprehensively characterize generalized rod system function than the ISCEV standard ERG protocol and may be of diagnostic or prognostic value in disorders that cause generalized rod system dysfunction.
Keywords: Clinical standards; Electroretinogram (ERG); Intensity–response; International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV); Naka–Rushton; Retinopathy.