This article was designed to report the results of the analysis of the cases of chronic otitis media complicated by mastoiditis in the children admitted to the Morozovskaya City Children's Clinical Hospital for the examination and treatment during the period from 2009 till 2017. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the clinical significance and the optimal time schedule of computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bones in the patients with suspicion of mastoiditis for the determination of the indications for their surgical treatment. All the patients were divided into three groups differing in the severity of clinical manifestations of the disease. A special algorithm of the treatment and diagnostic strategy was developed for the management of the patients included in each group that made possible the structured approach to the choice and performance of the treatment and diagnostic procedures.
В данной статье проведен анализ случаев острого среднего отита, осложненного мастоидитом, у детей, прошедших обследование и лечение в ГБУЗ 'Морозовская ДГКБ' за период с 2009 по 2017 г. Цель исследования - определить значение и сроки проведения КТ височных костей при подозрении на мастоидит с целью определения показаний к оперативному лечению у детей. Все пациенты в зависимости от выраженности клинической картины поделены на три группы. Для каждой из этих групп разработан лечебно-диагностический алгоритм, который структурирует последовательность лечебных и диагностических действий врача.
Keywords: acute otitis media; antromastoidotomy; mastoiditis.