The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of combined prophylaxis of pathological postoperative face skin scars according to the Vancouver scale. The research involved 29 patients, aging 16-48 years old, who underwent maxillofacial surgery by extraoral accesses with wound primary intention healing. The patients were divided into three groups: the control group, which involved the patients, who after the surgery did not undergo any preventive measures to avoid pathological skin scars development, and two study groups. The patients of the first study group underwent the monotherapy comprising three sessions of extracorporeal shock wave therapy once every 4-5 days. The patients of the second study group underwent three sessions of extracorporeal shock wave therapy once every 4-5 days and local use of silicone gel Strataderm. The Vancouver scale was used to evaluate clinically the effectiveness of the suggested methods of pathological scars development prevention. It involved evaluation (in points) of their consistency, pigmentation, and vascularization. The scars were assessed on the 7th, 30th day after the surgery and in 6 months. Positive results were attained in the patients of both study groups; they were manifested by increased elasticity and compliance of scars, pigmentation becoming of just about surrounding skin natural color, normalization of blood supply to scars, and more rapid disappearance of suture marks. However, these positive signs were more significant in the patients of the second study group that allowed us concluding that combined use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and local applying of silicone gel Strataderm was advisable.