The changes in social and economic life that took place in Russia during last decades resulted in significant reduction in agricultural production, deterioration of life of rural population, limitation of accessibility and decreasing of quality of medical care that negatively impacted health of rural residents. The results of research studies testify low level of rural population health, which by many indices is worse as compared with urban population. The persistent tendency of its deterioration is established. These processes occur against the background of implementation of the Federal target program "The sustainable development of rural areas in 2014-2017 and until 2020" which is a logical continuation of the program "The social development of rural areas until 2013". The programs determine main directions of regulating integrated development of rural areas including such an integrated section as development of rural health care. The study was targeted present proposals concerning reformation and prospects of development of rural health care on the basis of analysis of key indices of medical organizations functioning, supporting rural population, with consideration of morbidity and accessibility of medical care to rural areas residents.
Keywords: demographic indices; medical organizations; medical personnel; morbidity; rural population.