A team-based 12-month lifestyle program for the treatment of metabolic syndrome (MetS) (involving physicians, registered dietitians (RDs), and kinesiologists) was previously shown to reverse MetS in 19% of patients (95% confidence interval, 14% to 24%). This work evaluates changes in nutrient intake and diet quality over 12 months (n = 205). Individualized diet counselling was provided by 14 RDs at 3 centres. Two 24-h recalls, the Canadian Healthy Eating Index (HEI-C), and the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) were completed at each time point. Total energy intake decreased by 145 ± 586 kcal (mean ± SD) over 3 months with an additional 76 ± 452 kcal decrease over 3-12 months. HEI-C improved from 58 ± 15 to 69 ± 12 at 3 months and was maintained at 12 months. Similarly, MDS (n = 144) improved from 4.8 ± 1.2 to 6.2 ± 1.9 at 3 months and was maintained at 12 months. Changes were specific to certain food groups, with increased intake of fruits, vegetables, and nuts and decreased intake of "other foods" and "commercial baked goods" being the most prominent changes. There was limited change in intake of olive oil, fish, and legumes. Exploratory analysis suggested that poorer diet quality at baseline was associated with greater dietary changes as assessed by HEI-C. Novelty Multiple dietary assessment tools provided rich information on food intake changes in an intervention for metabolic syndrome. Improvements in diet were achieved by 3 months and maintained to 12 months. The results provide a basis for further dietary change implementation studies in the Canadian context.
Keywords: HEI; MDS; Mediterranean Diet Score; analyse du régime alimentaire; apport alimentaire; apport en nutriments; changement du comportement alimentaire; diet therapy; dietary analysis; dietary behaviour change; dietary intake; healthy eating index; indice de saine alimentation; metabolic syndrome; nutrient intake; score du régime méditerranéen; syndrome métabolique; thérapie diététique.