Introduction: Neuroendocrine tumors of the gastro-entero-pancreatic system have a variety of components, clinical manifestations and prognostic indices according to their anatomical site. Therefore, their diagnostic and management strategies differ a great deal. Prognosis concerning NETs can be poor due to the degree of differentiation, early metastasizing and the high degree of invasiveness. Material and Methods: For the present study, the patient files were evaluated and the parameters of interest were followed. Results: Over the course of 6 years there were 37 patients diagnosed with and treated for NETs, regardless of primary tumor site. There were 9 patients with NETs of the primite mid- and hindgut thusly: 5 cases with colorectal NETs and 4 cases of small bowel NETs. 6 patients benefited from radical surgical treatment, 2 cases with palliative procedures and only one patient with tumor biopsy. The tumors were evaluated according to the 2010 WHO classification based on the number of mitoses and the Ki67 proliferation index. Adjuvant treatment was adapted according to staging and histopathological parameters. Conclusions: Despite recent progress in managing NETs, there are still many controversial aspects regarding the management of these cases, mainly about timing the right sequence of therapy.
Keywords: neuroendocrinetumors; prognosticfactors; surgicaltreatment.