Vitamin D supplementation after the second year of life: joint position of the Committee on Nutrition, German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ e.V.), and the German Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (DGKED e.V.)

Mol Cell Pediatr. 2019 May 6;6(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s40348-019-0090-0.


Background: Low vitamin D serum concentrations have been associated with rickets and other disorders in observational studies. Since vitamin D serum concentrations in children and adolescents are frequently below reference values, it is debated whether vitamin D should be supplemented after infancy.

Methods: The effects of vitamin D supplementation in children > 2 years of age are analyzed based on a literature review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

Results: Vitamin D supplementation can potentially reduce the risk for influenza infections and improve asthma bronchiale exacerbation; however, it has no impact on asthma bronchiale severity. Vitamin D supplementation has no relevant effect on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, cardiac failure, hypertension, or incidence of type II diabetes mellitus. Vitamin D supplementation has no effect on the rate of multiple sclerosis relapses, but on the number of new lesions detected by MRI. For other endpoints, RCTs are lacking.

Conclusion: Based on currently available studies, routine vitamin D supplementation is not be recommended for children aged > 2 years, even when they have serum concentrations below reference values. Routine vitamin D supplementation is not recommended in children who do not have risk factors and chronic diseases which are associated with calcium or vitamin D resorption disorders.

Keywords: Asthma bronchiale; Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Diabetes mellitus; Hypertension; Infection; Obesity; Vitamin D supplementation.