Young people often experience worse health outcomes and more dissatisfaction with healthcare compared with other age groups. This survey sought to determine the state of adolescent and young adult health training across medical specialties in the UK. An online questionnaire was distributed to higher specialty trainees in adult medical specialties. Training in adolescent/young adult health/transition was rated as minimal/non-existent by 70/73% of respondents, respectively; 52% reported that they had received no formal training and 61% had never attended a dedicated young person's or transition clinic. The most significant barrier to delivering good adolescent and young adult healthcare was felt to be lack of training to deal with adolescent issues. This survey has identified a 'training gap'; a lack of preparation to meet the specific care needs of the adolescent and young adult population. Improved interventions are required to help drive improvement in care for young people in the UK.
Keywords: Adolescent; medical education; young adult.