Objective: To determine the risk for deterioration in well-baby nursery (WBN) admissions after resuscitation.
Study design: A single center retrospective study (2015-2016) of 370 resuscitated WBN admissions.
Results: Of the 11,307 admissions, 3.27% received resuscitation with 183 receiving continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) alone and 187 receiving positive pressure ventilation (PPV) ± CPAP. Resuscitated neonates were more frequently transferred to the NICU (11.6 versus 3.9%, p < 0.001) compared to those without resuscitation. More neonates requiring CPAP alone were transferred to the NICU compared to those requiring PPV ± CPAP (15.85 versus 7.49%, p = 0.01). Univariate risk ratios for transfer were elevated for CPAP alone and lower gestational age categories. Multivariate regression analyses demonstrated increased transfer risk across gestational age categories only.
Conclusions: Neonates admitted to the WBN after delivery room resuscitation are at increased risk for NICU transfer compared to those without resuscitation. This study supports the recommendation for post-resuscitation care.