Changbai Mountain is one of the hotspots for tree ring research in Northeast China, with a large number of related research results having been published. To clarify the advance of tree ring research in Changbai Mountain and understand the responses of tree radial growth to climate factors, we reviewed the related literature and analyzed the differences among them based on tree species identity, elevation, and detrended methods. The radial growth of trees in Changbai Mountain was generally affected by temperature and precipitation, with greater influence of temperature. The relationship between tree radial growth and climate variables varied across both species and altitudes. Most studies reported that the radial growth of conifers were mainly affected by temperature in early growing season (April-May) and growing season precipitation (June-August). The radial growth of broadleaved trees were mainly affected by the temperature in previous and current growing season, the precipitation in dormancy season (November-March), and the precipitation in the current growing season. The previous September precipitation had significant effects on the radial growth of conifers and broadleaved trees. However, many studies had reported different or even opposite results. Most of the differences in the results of the studies appeared at low and medium altitudes, indicating that the altitudinal location of sampling points had impacts on the results. In addition, the detrended method was also the main cause for the variation of results across different studies. Comparatively, the linear or negative exponential detrended method might increase the effective significance of precipitation, especially the effect of precipitation on tree growth during dormancy period, and also strengthen the effective significance of the temperature at the end of the growing season. This study showed the habitat and the detrended method used in chronology were the main reasons for the difference of results among the studies. Therefore, for tree ring research in Changbai Mountain, the number of sampling sites should be increased and the detrended method should be carefully selected.
长白山是我国东北地区树木年轮学研究的热点区域之一,迄今已在学术期刊上发表了大量相关的研究论文.为了弄清当前长白山树木年轮研究的进展,阐明树木径向生长对气候因子的响应规律,本文总结了发表在学术期刊上的有关文献,依据研究的树种、采样点海拔和去趋势方法等,对比分析了不同研究结果的差异及其形成原因.总的来看,长白山树木径向生长受温度和降水的共同作用,且温度的影响更大;树木径向生长-气候关系具有明显的树种和海拔差异.大多数研究支持: 针叶树主要受当年生长季前(4—5月)温度和生长季(6—8月)降水的显著影响;阔叶树则主要受当年、上年生长季温度和休眠期(上年11月至次年3月)、当年生长季降水的显著影响;上年9月降水对针、阔叶树种径向生长均有显著作用.同时,许多研究也出现了不同甚至截然相反的研究结果.研究结果差异最大的多出现在低、中海拔,表明在低、中海拔,采样点的选择可能对研究结果有较大影响.另外,年表去趋势方法也是造成研究结果不同的主要原因之一.相比较而言,采用线性或负指数去趋势方法在研究结果中显著增加了降水的作用,尤其是显著增加了休眠期降水对树木生长的影响,同时也显著增强了当前生长季末期(9—10月)温度的作用.本研究表明,采样点的小生境和年表构建时采用的去趋势方法是造成研究结果差异的主要原因,因此,在长白山开展树木年轮学研究,应增加采样点的数量,慎重选择去趋势方法.
Keywords: Changbai Mountain; altitude; dendroecology; detrended method; tree species.