Oxygen and potassium vacancies in KTP calculated from first principles

J Phys Condens Matter. 2019 Sep 25;31(38):385401. doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab295c. Epub 2019 Jun 12.


The atomic geometry and energetics of oxygen and potassium vacancies in potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) as well as their electronic and optical properties are studied within density-functional theory in dependence of their charge state. Oxygen vacancies formed between Ti and P are characterized by a negative-U behavior. Their neutral charge state is favored for Fermi levels near the conduction band and gives rise to a defect level in the band gap, which leads to an additional optical absorption peak. In contrast, the two-fold positive charge state, stable for low and intermediate values of the Fermi level, modifies the KTP optical response only slightly. Oxygen vacancies formed between two Ti atoms are two-fold positively charged, while potassium vacancies are negatively charged irrespective of the Fermi level position. In both these cases, the KTP optical response is essentially not affected.