Objectives: To assess first-year secondary-school students' knowledge and performance of basic life support (BLS) 6 months after training given by their regular teachers during school hours.
Material and methods: Sixty-two teachers were trained in BLS instruction. They then instructed 1043 students. The students' knowledge increased significantly from mean (SD) scores of 4.42 (1.64) to 7.28 (1.85) (P < .001) and was maintained at 6 months (mean score, 5.15 [3.16]; P <.001). Performance skills were also maintained at 6 months, although the students had greater difficulty attaining ventilation targets.
Results: Sixty-two teachers were trained in BLS instruction. They then instructed 1043 students. The students' knowledge increased significantly from mean (SD) scores of 4.42 (1.64) to 7.28 (1.85) (P < .001) and was maintained at 6 months (mean score, 5.15 [3.16]; P < .001). Performance skills were also maintained at 6 months, although the students had greater difficulty attaining ventilation targets.
Conclusion: Teachers' training of their own first-year secondary students during regular school hours led to changes in the students' attitudes toward the possibility of cardiac arrest and to the learning of BLS techniques.
Objetivo: Evaluar la formación en soporte vital básico (SVB), en horario escolar, de alumnos de primero de la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria (ESO) por sus propios profesores y su resultado a los seis meses.
Metodo: Estudio observacional prospectivo, con análisis pre y postintervención a los seis meses. Se impartieron cursos de SVB según las recomendaciones del European Resuscitation Council a los profesores y estos a sus alumnos. Los exámenes teóricos y prácticos fueron realizados por los profesores.
Resultados: . Se formaron 62 profesores que instruyeron a 1.043 alumnos. Hubo un aumento significativo de los conocimientos teóricos [de 4,42 (DE 1,64) a 7,28 (1,85), p < 0,001] aunque descendió a los seis meses [5,15 (3,16), p < 0,001]. Las habilidades prácticas también se mantuvieron a los seis meses, aunque con mayor dificultad las relacionadas con la vía aérea.
Conclusiones: La formación en SVB de escolares de primero de la ESO realizada por sus propios profesores en horario modificó la actitud de los escolares ante una posible parada cardiaca y logró un aprendizaje de las técnicas que desciende a los 6 meses.
Keywords: Basic life support; Parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria; Entrenamientos escolares; Schoolchildren, education; Soporte vital básico; Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.