Preference for Subcutaneous Injection or Intravenous Infusion of Biological Therapy Among Italian Patients With SLE

J Patient Exp. 2019 Mar;6(1):41-45. doi: 10.1177/2374373518770811. Epub 2018 Apr 26.


This article focuses on the patients' acceptance of a subcutaneous injection device for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, which in the upcoming years could be introduced beside the intravenous infusion of biological therapy. An online questionnaire was completed by 548 patients from different Italian regions. The preference for subcutaneous injection was 41.2%, for intravenous infusion was 36.9%, and 21.9% were uncertain. Patients with previous experience of biological therapies were less uncertain (P = .001). The reported motivations for the preference were analyzed through a lexicometric approach with the software T-LAB. Results revealed that respondents who preferred subcutaneous injections reported motivations that were more related to convenience, avoiding the discomfort of reaching the hospital. Patients who preferred intravenous infusion emphasized the importance of safety feelings related to the presence of qualified assistance during the therapy administration. In conclusion, patients appreciated the convenience that characterizes subcutaneous injections but also emphasized the importance of feeling safe during the administration. The study suggests that the choice of prescribing subcutaneous injections or intravenous infusions should be shared with patients, discussing possible resistances and avoiding preconceptions about patients' preferences.

Keywords: infusion; injection; lupus; patients’ experience; preference.