The genotype of chickens is assumed to be associated with variable immune responses. In this study a modern, moderate performing dual-purpose chicken line (DT) was compared with a high-performing layer-type (LT) as well as a broiler-type (BT) chicken line. One group of each genotype was vaccinated in ovo with a recombinant herpesvirus of turkeys expressing the virus protein VP2 of the infectious bursal disease virus (HVT-IBD) while one group of each genotype was left HVT-IBD unvaccinated (control group). Genotype associated differences in innate and adapted immune responses between the groups were determined over five weeks post hatch. HVT-IBD vaccination significantly enhanced humoral immune responses against subsequently applied live vaccines compared to non-HVT-IBD vaccinated groups at some of the investigated time points (P < 0.05). In addition HVT-IBD vaccination had depending on the genotype a significant impact on splenic macrophage as well as bursal CD4+ T-cell numbers (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the detectable genotype influence on Interferon (IFN) γ and nitric oxide (NO) release of ex vivo stimulated spleen cells was independent of HVT-IBD vaccination. The results of our study suggest considering a genotype specific vaccination regime in the field.
Keywords: Acquired immunity; Chicken genotype; Development; Dual-purpose chicken; HVT-Recombinant; Innate immunity; Vaccination.
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