The article presents advisability of applying approaches of personalized medicine to solve problems of modern gerontology and geriatrics. The actuality of issue is conditioned by population aging due to rapid increasing of both percentage and absolute number of elderly people in total population of most countries. The ideology of personalized medicine or P4 medicine is targeted to developing individual preventive and therapeutic activities for specific personality. The fundamental basis of developing personalized medicine is ensured by biomarkers, specific for every patient and certain disease. The elderly people health is characterized by increased susceptibility to diseases, polymorbidity and heterogeneity in health status. The solution of actual problems in gerontology and geriatrics improvement of basic principles of health care is needed with an emphasis on prognostication, prevention and personalized approach applied to elderly patients with the purpose of ameliorating their quality of life. The development and promotion of complex inter-disciplinary programs of personalized treatment of elderly patients is required.
Keywords: 4P medicine; aging biomarkers; geriatrics; gerontology; personalized medicine.