Objective: To investigate China statistics of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) in 2018. Methods: The statistics data was collected by provincial coordinators assigned by Chinese Society of Extracorporeal Life Support (CSECLS) in 2019, including cases, centers, indications, and in-hospital survival rate. Results: Three thousand nine hundred and twenty-three cases were reported by 260 ECLS centers. There were an increase of 38.8% in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cases and an increase of 11.6% in ECMO centers compared with that in 2017 (2 826 cases and 233 centers). Adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients accounted for 88.0%, 9.7%, and 2.3% of total cases, respectively. Centers with more than 20 ECMO cases per year had favorable in-hospital survival rate compared with those less than 20 cases (49.1% vs 44.0%, P=0.005). ECMO cases (r=0.71, P<0.001) and centers (r=0.81, P<0.001) were both associated with regional gross domestic product. Conclusions: There was a growth in ECLS cases, centers, and center scale in China within 2018. The majority of ECLS cases and centers were in developed regions. The ECLS indications, and in-hospital mortality in China were in accordance with that in the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry gradually. Large-scale ECLS centers had favorable patient outcomes. The development of ECLS still has tremendous potential in China, especially for pediatric and neonatal patients.
目的: 调查2018年中国体外生命支持开展情况。 方法: 中国医师协会体外生命支持专业委员会于2019年初委托我国33个省市自治区负责人对各地区2018年1月1日至12月31日的体外生命支持数据进行调查,包括各体外生命支持中心的体外膜氧合(ECMO)开展例数、适应证与不同适应证患者的生存率。 结果: 2018年260家医院上报总例数为3 923例,较2017年(2 826例)增加38.8%,开展体外生命支持技术的中心总数较2017年(233家)增加11.6%。ECMO开展人群仍以成人为主,例数占总数的88.0%(3 454/3 923),儿童和新生儿分别占9.7%(380/3 923)和2.3%(89/3 923)。年开展20例ECMO以上的中心,其住院生存率高于年开展20例以下的中心(49.1%比44.0%,P=0.005)。ECMO例数(r=0.71,P<0.001)、ECMO中心数(r=0.81,P<0.001)均与地区生产总值呈正相关。 结论: 2018年中国体外生命支持例数与中心数较前一年上涨,ECMO中心规模有所扩大,经济发达地区开展的ECMO例数仍占全国例数的绝大部分。我国ECMO适应证比例逐渐与国际接轨,但儿童和新生儿患者比例仍然较低。患者住院生存率与国际水平趋于一致,较大ECMO中心的患者生存率较高。.
Keywords: Data collection; Extracorporeal life support; Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.