Methods based on cosmic-ray produced nuclides are key to improve our understanding of the Earth surface dynamic. Measuring multiple cosmogenic nuclides in the same rock sample has a great potential, but data interpretation requires rigorous and often complex mathematical treatments. In order to make progress on this topic, this paper presents two easy-to-use MATLAB© programs permitting to derive information from pairs of cosmogenic nuclides (26Al-10Be or 10Be-21Ne) measured in rock samples that have been exposed to cosmic rays in the past: "Paleoaltitude.m" and "Burial.m". •"Paleoaltitude.m" computes paleoelevations from a sample whose burial age is known. This new paleoaltimetry method is presented in detail in Blard et al. [1]. The present article also develops the mathematical approach.•Since the elevation of exposure may affect the accuracy of a burial age [1], the second MATLAB© script "Burial.m" is designed to compute burial ages from 26Al-10Be or 10Be-21Ne pairs, taking into account the position of a sample (elevation and latitude) during its preburial exposure history.
Keywords: 10Be; 21Ne; 26Al; Burial age; Burial ages; Continuous exposure; Cosmogenic nuclides; MATLAB; Paleoaltimetry; Paleoelevation; Steady erosion.