In superconducting materials a dynamical rearrangement of the vortex lattice occurs by forcing vortices at high velocities, until the system can become unstable. This phenomenon is known as vortex lattice instability, in which a sudden transition drives the superconducting system abruptly to the normal state. We present an experimental study on submicron bridges of NbN and NbTiN ultra-thin films with a thickness of few nanometers. The nanoscale effect on vortex lattice instability is investigated not only by the ultra-thin thickness in wide bridges, but also by changing the direction of the external magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis epitaxial films. Indeed, measurements are performed for both orientations and show the vortex lattice instability, regardless of the superconducting material. Critical currents I c as well as instability currents I* have been compared. However, only in the parallel configuration an unusual 'flying birds' feature appears in the magnetic field dependence of current switching, as a consequence of the ratio I*/I c that is approaching 1. This amazing tendency becomes relevant for practical applications involving nanostructures, since by scaling down sample thickness and rotating the external field towards the in-plane orientation, the ultra-thin film geometry can mimic the bridge narrowing down to the nanoscale.