Including psychology services in pediatric endocrinology clinics may improve patients' adherence to diabetes management behaviors, and, subsequently, glycemic control; however, an evaluation of the impact and cost-effectiveness of this integration is needed. The change in HbA1c and cost-effectiveness of integrated psychology services, from the hospital and insurance provider perspectives, were evaluated using a linear effects model and Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICERs). Data from 378 patients with T1D (50% female; 65% Caucasian; M age = 12.0 years) were obtained via medical chart review (2241 appointments). Patients demonstrated significant improvements in HbA1c following clinic visits in which they met with psychology (b = - 0.16, p = 0.006). A larger proportion of the distribution of ICER values fall below the $1000/1% HbA1c threshold from both the insurance (89%) and hospital (94%) perspectives. These results indicate that providing integrated psychology services in the endocrinology clinic is highly beneficial from the patient, hospital, and insurance provider perspectives.
Keywords: Cost-effective; Pediatric; Psychology; T1 diabetes.