Hypertension (HTN) in children and adolescents is an important pathology, of, guarded prognosis, associated with modifiable and non-modifiable factors. The estimated prevalence is around 3.5% which increases progressively with age. The ideal method for its diagnosis is the measurement of blood pressure (BP) with auscultatory instruments. According to the American Academy of Pedia trics (AAP), BP should be measured in children older than three years of age once a year, and in children younger than three years of age if they present risk factors. Once the HTN is confirmed, the evaluation should be directed towards the detection of a causative disease and/or the search for risk factors associated with a primary HTN. The objective of treating primary and secondary HTN in pediatrics is to achieve a BP level that decreases the risk of target organ damage. Therapeutic op tions include treatment according to specific etiology, non-pharmacological and pharmacological one. This paper presents the position of the Chilean Society of Pediatrics Nephrology Branch with the aim of guiding pediatricians and pediatric nephrologists in the correct management of HTN in childhood. In this second part, recommendations on antihypertensive treatment are presented with an emphasis on lifestyle changes.