Bio-nanowire structured armors - conch shells, which are often collected as art pieces, possess a special function - an unusual resilience against high speed predatory attacks. Under high-strain-rate compression (strain rate ~103 s-1) conch shells highlight significantly high fracture strength vis-à-vis under quasi-static loading (strain rate ≤ 10-2/s). The dynamic fracture strength reaches a strikingly high value of 600 MPa, 67% enhancement with reference to that of quasi-static loading with the fracture strength 360 MPa. Upon dynamic impact loading, conch shells ingeniously activated a new defense mechanism - intra-lamella fracture, which differs from the inter-lamella fracture damage under quasi-static loading. The lengthy third-order lamellae with a length of hundreds of micrometers were pulverized into rods with the length ranging from 0.4 μm and 2.5 μm upon dynamic loading, whereas the third-order lamellae in the quasi-statically fractured segments maintained the length of hundreds of micrometers. Multiple energy-dissipating mechanisms - intra-lamella fracture, nanoparticle rotation and dislocation enabled nanoparticle deformation in a synergistical fashion contribute to the high strain rate fracture strength of conch shells. This dynamic self-strengthening strategy provides a new guideline for designing dynamically robust materials.
Keywords: Conch shell; Crossed-lamellar nanostructure; Inter- lamella fracture; Intra-lamella fracture; Strain rate sensitivity.
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