After a short discussion on the rationale for the use of GnRH agonists in the stimulation protocols of GIFT and IVF/ET cycles, the authors discuss their own experience with the use of Buserelin in these cases. Buserelin was administered nasally starting on day 21 of the cycle preceding the stimulation cycle. FSH and/or HMG were administered starting on day 3 of the cycle, until the proper moment for administration of HCG. 34 cycles of GIFT and 40 cycles of IVF were studied and it was possible to observe minor endogenous LH interferences with respect to control cycles. The number of harvested ovocytes was greater, the quality of ovocytes was clearly better and both the fertilization rate and pregnancy rate were higher. The authors stress the interest of pituitary temporary ablation as first choice treatment for IVF and GIFT protocols.