To evaluate numerous publications that question the bone and extraosseous benefits of vitamin D diet supplementation based on results, which often transcend to public opinion, but are not well interpreted. This may have negative consequences on compliance of patients under vitamin D supplementation. Critical appraisal of several articles on vitamin D supplementation and its relationship with fractures, falls, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer incidence. Such publications have certain limitations (i.e. patients excluded because of a diagnosis of osteoporosis, or at a higher risk for fractures and falls, or because they have a vitamin D deficiency, etc.), and conclusions and/or subsequent recommendations should be approached with caution. Our research shows that patients with osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, and at high risk of fractures and falls should not discontinue vitamin D supplementation (often associated with calcium). It is becoming increasingly evident that patients with hypovitaminosis D are those that gain a maximal benefit from vitamin D supplementation.
Keywords: Risk of fractures; risk of falls; vitamin-D supplementation.