In this study, we examined the lipid composition of two strains of the tropical basidiomycete Favolaschia manipularis (Berk.) Teng, which differ in their adaptive potential to high (35 °C) and low (5 °C) temperatures. The results suggest that adaptation to extreme temperatures involves a change in the molecular composition of sterols, in addition to other well-known mechanisms of regulating membrane thickness and fluidity, such as changes in the lipid unsaturation and in the proportion of bilayer- and non-bilayer-forming lipids. It was demonstrated for the first time that adaptation to high temperature stress in fungi is accompanied by the accumulation of 9(11)-dehydroergosterol and ergosterol peroxide. Furthermore, increased thermal plasticity correlates with high storage lipid (triglycerides) content, accumulation of phosphatidic acid in the membrane, and an equal proportion of bilayer and non-bilayer lipids in the membrane.
Keywords: 9(11)-dehydroergosterol; 9(11)-déhydroergostérol; Favolaschia manipularis; basidiomycete; basidiomycète; ergosterol peroxide; peroxyde d’ergostérol; sterols; stérols.