The study employed four gestural models using frame-by-frame microanalytic methods, and followed how the behaviours unfolded over time. Forty-two human newborns (0-3 days) were examined for their imitation of tongue protrusion, 'head tilt with looking up', three-finger and two-finger gestures. The results showed that all three gesture groups were imitated. Results of the temporal analyses revealed an early and a later, second stage of responses. Later responses were characterized by a suppression of similar, but non-matching movements. Perinatal imitation is not a phenomenon served by a single underlying mechanism; it has at least two different stages. An early phase is followed by voluntary matching behaviour by the neonatal infant.
Keywords: Perinatal imitation; behavioural analysis; imprinting; intersubjectivity; neonatal imitation.
© 2019 The Authors. Developmental Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.