Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic utility of cell block material in fine needle aspiration (FNA) of thyroid nodules.
Design: A total of 242 thyroid fine need aspirations (FNAs) were performed between January 2015 and December 2015. Of those, all consecutive thyroid FNA cases with cell blocks (n = 140) from 129 patients (age: 58.9 ± 12.8 years) are included in this study. Cytology slides and cell blocks are reviewed for adequacy assessment based on the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) and then categorizing them into TBSRTC diagnostic categories. These cases are divided into two groups, combined cytology and cell block (C + CB) and cytology without cell block (C).
Results: In the first group (C + CB), a total 140 cases are categorized in TBSRTC as follows: I: 13 (9.3%) cases, II: 78 (55.7%) cases, III: 7 (5%), IV: 16 (11.4%), V: 3(2.2%) and VI: 23 (16.4%). In the second group (C), the cases are classified in TBSRTC as follows: I: 23 (16.4%) cases, II: 70 (50%), III: 7 (5%), IV: 16 (11.4%), V: 3 (2.2%) and VI: 21 (15%). Nondiagnostic rate was 7.1% lower in the first group (C + CB) as compared with second group (C) (First group: 9.3% vs second group: 16.4%, P = .0764).
Conclusions: Combined use of cytology slides and cell block decreases the nondiagnostic rate up to 7.1% as compared with cytology without cell block.
Keywords: Bethesda thyroid cytopathology; cell block; fine needle aspiration.
© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.