Matching-adjusted indirect comparisons of annualized bleeding rate and utilization of BAY 94-9027 versus three recombinant factor VIII agents for prophylaxis in patients with severe hemophilia A

J Blood Med. 2019 Jun 20:10:147-159. doi: 10.2147/JBM.S206806. eCollection 2019.


Background: BAY 94-9027 is an extended half-life recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) that prevents bleeding in persons with hemophilia A at twice-weekly, 5-day, and 7-day dosing intervals. In rare diseases such as hemophilia, where small populations preclude head-to-head comparisons in randomized controlled trials, outcomes from different studies can be compared by matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparisons (MAICs) via matched summary statistics of individual patient data. This study compared MAIC-adjusted outcomes of BAY 94-9027 with other FVIII agents for prophylaxis of hemophilia. Methods: Weighted patient data from the BAY 94-9027 PROTECT VIII trial were used to compare annualized bleeding rates (ABRs), percentage of patients with zero bleeds, and factor utilization against published data on rFVIII-Fc fusion protein (rFVIIIFc), BAX 855, and recombinant antihemophilic factor/plasma/albumin-free method (rAHF-PFM). Results: After matching BAY 94-9027 and comparators, the mean BAY 94-9027 utilization was significantly lower than rFVIIIFc pre- and post-matching (66.2 vs 82.2 IU/kg/week; 66.5 vs 82.2 IU/kg/week; both P<0.001). Median BAY 94-9027 utilization (IU/kg/week) trended lower than BAX 855 (64.3 vs 87.4) and rAHF-PFM (2004 study: 64.0 vs 107.5; 2012 study: 63.6 vs 109.9). Mean ABRs and percentages of patients with zero bleeds were similar post-matching between BAY 94-9027 and comparators. Conclusion: BAY 94-9027 demonstrated similar MAIC-adjusted ABR with lower utilization than rFVIIIFc, BAX 855, and rAHF-PFM.

Keywords: annualized bleeding rate; rFVIII; utilization.