Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges with an associated abnormal cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Aseptic meningitis, defined by the lack of bacterial growth in cultures, is the most common form, with viruses being a frequent cause. Viral causes of meningitis have become more common as the prevalence of bacterial meningitis has decreased due to vaccinations, and viral meningitis is the most common form of meningitis in many countries. Viral meningitis typically presents with the acute onset of fever, headache, photophobia, neck stiffness, and often nausea and vomiting, although younger children may not show signs of meningeal irritation. Appropriate and timely evaluation is critical as there are no reliable initial clinical indicators to differentiate bacterial and viral etiologies of meningitis. Viral meningitis is usually a self-limiting illness with a good prognosis.
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