This study evaluated different irrigation methods in smear layer removal from the root canal walls using maleic acid (MA). Maxillary anterior teeth (N=30, n=10 per group) were decoronated, canals were enlarged with Protaper (size F4) and allocated to three groups: EndoUltra: 2.5 ml of 7% MA was irrigated for 30 s, followed by EndoUltra activation for 30 s; EndoSafe: EndoSafe irrigation system was used for 1 minute using 5 ml of 7% MA; Side-vented needle: 30 gauge needle irrigation was performed for 1 min using 5 ml of 7% MA. After SEM analysis, the inter-examiner reliability was verified using Kendall's Co-efficient and data were analyzed using Pearson Chi-Square test. No statistical significant differences were found between the two examiners (p⟩0.05). In intra-group comparison, needle and EndoSafe irrigation demonstrated significantly better smear layer removal at middle third of the root canal system (p⟨0.05) when compared to apical third. In inter-group comparison, smear layer was minimally removed with needle irrigation. In the apical third, EndoUltra group removed smear layer more effectively. Endosafe needle irrigation in combination with 7% MA removed the smear layer in the root canal at best, while the EndoUltra performed the best at the apical third of the root.
Keywords: Endodontics; Endosafe; Endoultra; Smear Layer Removal.
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