A label-free, non-dispruptive, and real-time analytical device to monitor the dynamic features of biomolecules and their interactions with neighboring molecules is an essential prerequisite for biochip- and diagonostic assays. To explore one of the central questions on the lipid-lipid interactions in the course of the liquid-ordered (lo) domain formation, called rafts, we developed a method of reconstituting continuous but spatially heterogeneous lipid membrane platforms with molayer-bilayer juntions (MBJs) that enable to form the lo domains in a spatiotemporally controlled manner. This allows us to detect the time-lapse dynamics of the lipid-lipid interactions during raft formation and resultant membrane phase changes together with the raft-associated receptor-ligand binding through the surface plasmon resonance (SPR). For cross-validation, using epifluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated the underlying mechanisms for raft formations that the infiltration of cholesterols into the sphingolipid-enriched domains plays a crucial roles in the membrane phase-separation. Our membrane platform, being capable of monitoring dynamic interactions among lipids and performing the systematic optical analysis, will unveil physiological roles of cholesterols in a variety of biological events.
Keywords: Lipid monolayer-bilayer junction; Lipid raft; Lipid-lipid interaction; Optical sensors; Real-time; Surface plasmon resonance.
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