Objective: To present and validate a new technique for biobanking fresh-frozen prostate cancer tissue based on MRI-transrectal ultrasound fusion biopsy.
Materials and methods: From August 2014 to August 2016, patients with elevated levels of PSA and at least 1 suspicious lesion on MRI were invited to this study. Each MRI-suspicious lesion was biopsied repeatedly for at least 2 cores in the same location. These repeated cores were labelled A/A', B/B', etc. The A/B cores were submitted for histologic assessment, and the corresponding A'/B' cores were stored in an -80°C freezer for biobanking. Sixty biobanked samples were processed for histologic assessment to compare their pathologic parameters with their corresponding paraffin samples. Another 20 biobanked samples were processed for RNA quality evaluation.
Results: Fifty-six of the 60 selected banking samples matched their corresponding paraffin samples for benign vs malignant diagnosis, leading an overall concordance rate of 93.3%. There was no significant difference between banking samples and the corresponding paraffin samples in cancer percentage and Gleason score. The RNA Integrity Number value ranged from 6.8 to 9.3 (mean 7.89).
Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that the histologic identity of the banked prostate biopsy sample can be accurately predicted by its corresponding paraffin samples. MRI-TRUS fusion biopsy based biobanking method is highly efficient, timesaving, and has high quality tissues both at the histologic and RNA integrity levels.
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