Three major eukaryotic DNA polymerases, Polymerases α, δ, and ε (Pols α, δ, and ε), perform the fundamental process of DNA synthesis at the replication fork both accurately and efficiently. In trying to understand the necessity and flexibility of the polymerase usage, we recently reported that budding yeast cells lacking Pol ε exonuclease and polymerase domains (pol2-16) survive, but have severe growth defects, checkpoint activation, increased level of dNTP pools as well as significant increase in the mutation rates. Herein, we suggest new opportunities to distinguish the roles of Pol ε from those of two other eukaryotic B-family DNA polymerases, Pols δ and ζ.
Keywords: DNA polymerases; DNA replication; Genome stability; Polymerase delta (Pol δ); Polymerase epsilon (Pol ε); Polymerase zeta (Pol ζ).