Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome (LMBBS) is a rare autosomal recessive (AR) disorder. It is characterized predominantly by hypogonadism, polydactyly, retinitis pigmentosa, obesity, and mental retardation. Herein, we present a classic case of LMBBS with generalized body edema, abdominal distension, and positive fluid thrill in a 32-year-old male. LMBBS patients are friendly with a happy predisposition, proper management, and regular examinations should be done in order to maintain healthy organ function and to avoid an early death. Renal failure is the most common cause of mortality in LMBBS patients.
Keywords: abdominal distension; bardet-biedl syndrome; central obesity; chronic kidney disease; congenital disorder; consanguineous marriage; polydactyly; positive fluid thrill; retinitis pigmentosa.