DNA replication fidelity is a critical issue in molecular biology. Biochemical experiments have provided key insights on the mechanism of fidelity control by DNA polymerases in the past decades, whereas systematic theoretical studies on this issue began only recently. Because of the underlying difficulties of mathematical treatment, comprehensive surveys on the template-specific replication kinetics are still rare. Here we propose a first-passage approach to address this problem, in particular the positional fidelity, for complicated processes with high-order neighbor effects. Under biologically relevant conditions, we derived approximate analytical expressions of the positional fidelity which show intuitively how some key kinetic pathways are coordinated to guarantee the high fidelity, as well as the high velocity, of the replication processes. It is also shown that the fidelity at any template position is dominantly determined by the nearest-neighbor template sequences, which is consistent with the idea that replication mutations are randomly distributed in the genome.