Motion sensitivity impairment in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is often characterized as elevated coherence threshold. An alternative way to measure motion sensitivity is the direction threshold, i.e., the minimal angle of motion direction that can be discriminated. So far, it is less clear whether and how the direction threshold is altered in AD. Here we asked a group of AD patients and two control groups of healthy participants (young and elderly adults) to judge their perceived heading direction based on a field of optic flow stimuli simulating a forward translation in the environment. We manipulated the heading direction and the coherence of the optic flow independently and measured the direction and coherence thresholds from each participant. We found that the direction threshold increased significantly in AD patients as compared to healthy controls, like the coherence threshold. Yet, the elevation in the direction threshold was less pronounced than the coherence threshold. Moreover, the magnitudes of the direction and coherence thresholds in AD patients were not correlated. Our results suggest that coherence and direction impairments are two distinct forms of motion deficits in AD patients which might be associated with independent neural mechanisms.