Background: We report the implementation of a large-scale simulation-based cardiovascular diagnostics course for undergraduate medical students.
Methods: A simulation-based course was integrated into the curriculum of second-year medical students (> 400 students/year). The first session aimed at teaching cardiac auscultation skills on mannequins and the second at teaching blood pressure measurement, peripheral arterial examination, and the clinical examination of heart failure in a technical skill-based manner and in a scenario.
Results: A total of 414 (99.8%) and 402 (98.5%) students, as well as 102 and 104 educators, participated during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic years across both types of sessions. The number of positive appreciations by students was high and improved from the first to the second year (session 1: 77% vs. 98%, session 2: 89% vs. 98%; p < 0.0001). Similar results were observed for educators (session 1: 84% vs. 98%, p = 0.007; session 2: 82% vs. 98%, p = 0.01). Feedbacks by students were positive regarding the usefulness of the course, fulfillment of pedagogical objectives, quality of the teaching method, time management, and educator-student interactivity. In contrast, 95% of students criticized the quality of the mannequins during the first year leading to the replacement of the simulation material the following year. Students most appreciated the auscultation workshop (25%), the practical aspect of the course (22%), and the availability of educators (21%).
Conclusions: Despite the need to commit significant human and material resources, the implementation of this large-scale program involving > 400 students/year was feasible, and students and educators reacted favorably.
Keywords: Auscultation; Clinical education; Heart sounds; Mannequins; Simulation.