Objective: To examine associations of parental ages at childbirth with healthy survival to age 90 years among older women.
Study design: This study included a racially and ethnically diverse sub-cohort of 8,983 postmenopausal women from the larger Women's Health Initiative population, recruited during 1993-1998 and followed for up to 25 years through 2018.
Main outcome measures: The outcome was categorized as: 1) healthy survival, defined as survival to age 90 without major morbidities (coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, or hip fracture) or mobility disability; 2) usual survival, defined as survival to age 90 without healthy aging (reference category); or 3) death before age 90. Women reported their own and their parents' birth years, and parental ages at childbirth were calculated and categorized as <25, 25-29, 30-34, or ≥35 years.
Results: Women were aged on average 71.3 (standard deviation 2.7; range 65-79) years at baseline. There was no significant association of maternal age at childbirth with healthy survival to age 90 or death before age 90. Women born to fathers aged ≥35 compared with 30-34 years at their births were more likely to achieve healthy than usual survival (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.00-1.32). There was no association of paternal age at childbirth with death before age 90.
Conclusions: Findings suggest that being born to older fathers was associated with healthy survival to age 90 among women who had survived to ages 65-79 years at study baseline. There was no association of maternal age at childbirth with healthy survival to age 90 among these older women.
Keywords: Aging; Childbirth; Longevity; Maternal age; Paternal age; Women.
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