Aim: The aim of the current study is to describe the extended design of the Living Arrangements for people with Dementia (LAD)-study.
Background: The demand for long-term care in care homes increases with the growing number of people with dementia. However, quality of care in care homes needs improvement. It is important to monitor quality of care in care homes for the purposes of conducting scientific research, providing input for policy, and promoting practice improvement.
Design: The Living Arrangements for people with Dementia -study monitors changes in - quality of - care in care homes since 2008. With its extended design, the Living Arrangements for people with Dementia -study now also focuses on additional topics that are considered to improve quality of care: implementation of person-centred care, involvement of family carers and volunteers and reducing psychotropic drugs and physical restraints using a multidisciplinary approach.
Methods: The data collection of the Living Arrangements for people with Dementia -study entails an interview with the manager and questionnaires are completed by care staff, family carers, volunteers, and multidisciplinary team members. This study is partly funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, grant number 323,088 and partly funded by the participating care homes.
Discussion: Results of the Living Arrangements for people with Dementia -study will shed more light on variables related to quality of care in care homes for people with dementia.
Impact: Based on the obtained information, appropriate efforts to improve quality of care can be discussed and implemented. Furthermore, the results of this study guide policy making, because it expands knowledge about the effects of changing policies and exposes topics that need further attention.
Trial registration: Not applicable. This article does not report the results of a healthcare intervention on human participants.
目的: 本研究旨在介绍痴呆患者生活安排研究的扩展设计。 背景: 越来越多的人患有痴呆症,因此在疗养院进行长期护理的需求也在增加。相应地,疗养院的护理质量也需要提高。监测疗养院的护理质量对于开展科学研究、提供政策意见并促进实践改进至关重要。 设计: 痴呆患者生活安排研究监测了自2008年以来疗养院护理质量的变化。目前,痴呆患者生活安排研究的扩展设计还侧重于其他视为可提高护理质量的主题:实施以人为本的护理、家属与志愿者参与的护理,以及使用综合学科研究法减少精神药物和身体束缚。 方法: 痴呆患者生活安排研究的资料收集需要与管理员面谈,且护理人员、家庭护理人员、志愿者和综合学科团队成员均需填写问卷。本研究部分资金由“荷兰卫生、福利和体育部”提供,金额为323,088,其余部分由参与研究的疗养院提供。 讨论: 痴呆患者生活安排研究的结果将进一步阐明与疗养院为痴呆患者提供的护理质量相关的变量。 影响: 根据获得的信息,可以讨论并采取适当的措施来提高护理质量。此外,本研究的结果扩展了政策变化影响方面的知识,并揭示了需要进一步关注的主题,因此对政策制定具有指导意义。 试验注册: 不适用。本文没有报告医疗干预对人类研究对象产生的结果。.
Keywords: care home; dementia; informal care; long-term care; nursing; person-centred care; physical restraints; psychotropic drugs; quality of care; study protocol.
© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Advanced Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.