Antenna and reaction centre complexes purified from photosynthetically-grown cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have been mixed with cytoplasmic membranes prepared from an aerobically-grown bacteriochlorophyll-less mutant of Rp. sphaeroides (designated 01) in the presence of 1% sodium cholate. After removal of the cholate by dislysis, the dislysate was subjected to isopycnic centrifugation. Reconstituted cytochrome c2 photooxidation and cytochrome b photoreduction was demonstrated in a pigmented fraction recovered from the sucrose gradient, suggesting that the pigment-proteins were incorporated into the 01 membrane. The fluorescence properties of the system were examined. The appearance of a variable component after the initial fast fluorescence rise indicated that energy transfer occurred between the antenna and reaction centre proteins in the presence of 01 membrane. The order in which the system was assembled was important. Reconstituted energy transfer with a pre-dialysed reaction centre-antenna complex was more effective than when all the components were mixed at once. Energy transfer was also reconstituted between added reaction centre protein and the endogenous antenna present in membranes from the pigmented, but aerobically-grown reaction centre-less mutant PM8dp of Rp. sphaeroides. Preparations of 01 membranes reconstituted with reaction centre exhibited a light intensity dependent cytochrome c2 photooxidation. At low exciting light intensities, preparations containing reconstituted antenna protein in addition to reaction centres showed greated membrane cytochrome c2 photooxidation than preparations with the antenna omitted; this improvement was maximal when a pre-dialysed antenna-reaction centre complex was used.