Impact of participation in continuing medical education small group learning (CME-SGL) on the stress, morale, and professional isolation of rurally-based GPs: a qualitative study in Ireland

BJGP Open. 2019 Oct 29;3(4):bjgpopen19X101673. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen19X101673. Online ahead of print.


Background: The pressures of general practice contribute to high levels of stress, low morale, and burnout in some GPs. In addition, rurally-based doctors may experience significant professional isolation. Participation in continuing medical education (CME) appears to reduce stress, and may improve the retention of rural GPs.

Aim: As part of a larger study devised to examine the effectiveness of regular participation in CME small group learning (SGL) on rurally-based Irish GPs, this study explored whether CME-SGL had any impact on GP stress, morale, and professional isolation.

Design & setting: This was a qualitative study involving four CME-SGL groups based in rural Ireland.

Method: Semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted in established CME-SGL groups in four different rural geographical locations. Interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically.

Results: All members of these CME-SGL groups (n = 43) consented to interview. These GPs reported that regular meetings with an established group of trusted colleagues who are 'in the same boat' provided a 'safe space' for discussion of, and reflection on, both clinical concerns and personal worries. This interaction in a supportive, non-threatening atmosphere helped to relieve stress, lift morale, and boost self-confidence. The social aspect of CME-SGL sustained these rural GPs, and served to alleviate their sense of professional isolation.

Conclusion: Delivery of CME through locally-based SGL provides as an important means of supporting GPs working in rural areas. The non-educational benefits of CME-SGL, as described by these Irish GPs, are of relevance for rural doctors in other countries.

Keywords: burnout, professional; continuing professional development; education, medical, continuing; family practice; general practice; general practitioners; postgraduate education; primary health care; rural medicine.