A prospective evaluation of 75 consecutive children with lacerations of the face, lip, and scalp who received TAC (tetracaine, epinephrine [adrenalin], cocaine) topical anesthetic for the repair of their wound was performed. The TAC preparation contained one-half the conventional concentration of cocaine (5.9%) and tetracaine (0.25%) previously used in other studies that have evaluated its anesthetic efficacy. A maximal dosage of 3 ml of TAC (containing 175 mg cocaine and 7.5 mg tetracaine) was applied to each laceration. The diluted TAC preparation provided complete anesthesia for approximately 95% of the more than 400 sutures placed. No adverse reactions were noted in any patient who received TAC, and in no instance did a complication of wound healing occur. The original formulation of TAC was arbitrarily composed, and the maximum concentration per dosage of the potentially toxic component medications of TAC that can be "safely" applied to dermal lacerations in children remains to be defined. Utilization of this diluted preparation will diminish the risk of potential systemic toxicity from the absorbed component medications of TAC without compromising anesthetic efficacy.